Sunday, June 22, 2014

What is my Job? #10SummerBlogs

Close to March or April I accepted a position for the Fort Dodge School District and I have found that many people are having issues understanding what my job is based on the title alone.  I do not fault anyone, so this blog is a simple attempt to explain what I will be doing.  Disclaimer: This will be my first year in this position and it is a new position for the district, so this is only an overview...nothing specific.

My title is Technology Integration Coordinator.  Now 9 times out of 10 what I have noticed when people hear this title, they usually respond with something like, "so like computers?"  Yes and no is my response.  See the tough part is I don't think a lot of people here the second and third words in that title, and arguable "Integration" is the most important word.  See, I am not a tech guy.  I went to college and got my degree in education, not technology.  My level of expertise with technology is defined as risk taking.  I'm not afraid of it so it comes pretty easy to me, because I figure things out.  I cannot code, script, program, or do any of that magic stuff most tech guys can do.  What I can do, though, is tell you how you can best implement a form of technology into your classes to fit the needs of your class and your students.  You want to use iPads, great, I sit down figure out what your needs are and we match them.  See, a Tech Integration Coordinator understands technology, but more importantly understands teaching.

No, I am not teaching, I won't have a classroom full of students.  That's where the coordinator word comes into play.  My job takes organization, planning, and executing, on the back end of education.  I guess I'm sort of a middle man between Techies and Curriculum people and the teachers of the district.  Education is filled with initiatives and it takes careful and strategic planning to execute well.  Imagine a school where they give all these students devices and say "go".  That's a scary thought, that's where I come into play.  We want planning and organization to ensure the best results when new technology is rolled out.

I have to talk, and be personable.  I have been in the classroom for the past three years.  I understand how it operates, and I understand teaching, kind of.  I know technology can be frustrating (heck, I just spent 2 hours trying to figure how to embed my blog onto my website).  I have to be the person that can come in and accurately pinpoint the needs, and the wants, and figure out how to approach new technology with the teachers.  You want something that will keep track of student behavior in a fun interactive way, that will also give you reports that can easily be downloaded into a spreadsheet and sent to parents?  Try Class DoJo, better yet, lets sit down and figure this out together.

I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Yes, my job involves computers, tablets, websites, etc. but it involves something so much greater, teaching.  I may not be titled a teacher, but that's what I am at the core.  Technology Integration Coordinator is a long, confusing title, but it is necessary, and it makes me feel important (that's not too conceded is it?).  I will try to keep you posted when I find out more, but in the meantime, just know that I might be just as confused as you.  Feel free to contact me if you want to hear more.


  1. True, you may not have "teacher" in your title but by your description you are still a teacher in a different way. It sounds like an exciting adventure & I wish you luck!

  2. Our school "tech guy" is titled "Director of Innovative Teaching and Learning." Now that's a mouthful, but very much like your role, he has introduced so much to the teachers to update our classroom teaching that I've often wondered where we would be without him. Enjoy your teaching this next year, because you are a teacher of teachers!
