Monday, March 10, 2014

EdCamp Iowa Reflection

Over the weekend I attended #EdCampIowa.  The idea behind an EdCamp is simple yet complex.  It's hard to fathom because it changes the way we learn.  EdCamps are often referred to as unconferences, because they are not traditional.  The idea is a group of educators come together and learn collaboratively through discussion, not through sit and get presentations.  Educators volunteer to facilitate discussion son any topic relating to education and people attend those discussions based on their interest.  Nobody presents, everyone participates.

After EdCamp Iowa I felt inspired and motivated, I truly want to get to strive for the "ideal school" which was the topic for one of the sessions I attended.  There are many great ideas, discussions, debates, etc. being presented at EdCamps and I think it was probably the most useful event I have attended as an educator.  So much learning and reflection in one day.  I wish all professional development followed this format and to certain extent the classes in which we teach.  It is an interesting approach, but just by going to one of these I am sold on the idea and it has proven, to me, that they do work, and so much can be accomplished.  

One of the great things about EdCamp Iowa is the fact that it is held on a Saturday.  Hosting it on a Saturday ensures you get the educators not tied to a contract by a ball a chain.  You get the educators that are truly passionate and truly want to better themselves.  Another great aspect is seeing the range of educators that attend.  I met other teachers from all sorts of grade levels and content areas.  I met IT personnel, administrators, AEA personnel, and even one student teacher.  I think it's great to see a diverse set of educators all meeting together to do one thing, better ourselves.

EdCamp Iowa was a great event and I urge anyone who has never been to an EdCamp to try it.  Even if you disagree with some of the things being discussed it can open your mind to a whole different perspective of education and that is beneficial. 

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